ASSIGNMENT 10: Response Topics: Love & Hate--Drama
- Due Apr 1, 2013 by 11:59pm
- Points 24
- Submitting a file upload
Write a 5 to 8-line paragraph for each topic. Single space and number your responses, and double space between responses. Place your name, course number, and assignment number across the top of your page. Bring your margin flush to the extreme left side of your page. Each topic is worth 6 points.
- Explain what the title of the play refers to. Cite at least three or more examples of these "trifles."
- Explain how the most important props in the play--the canary, the birdcage, the quilt, and the sewing box--each relate to the theme of the play? What do they symbolize?
- What is the dilemma Mrs. Peters faces in the play? What complicates matters for her? Why does she decide to suppress the evidence against Mrs. Wright? Why does Mrs. Hale experience no such dilemma?
- Explain the significance of the last line of dialogue in the play (and explain the pun involved--"not it"). How could the men have repeated this throughout the play?